Cameron Air Accessibility Plan
(2024 – 2027)

Definitions from the Accessible Canada Act

“Barrier” means anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications, or anything that is the result of policy or a practice – that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment of a functional limitation.

“Disability” means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary, or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.


Cameron Air is committed to developing a barrier-free workplace that allows for full participation of all individuals, including persons with disabilities. Cameron Air’s Accessibility Plan considers the following principles, as set out in the Accessible Canada Act.

  1. all persons must be treated with dignity regardless of their disabilities

  2. all persons must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have regardless of their disabilities

  3. all persons must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society, regardless of their disabilities

  4. all persons must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they desire, regardless of their disabilities

  5. laws, policies, programs, services and structures must consider the disabilities of persons, the different ways that persons interact with their environments and the multiple and intersecting forms of marginalization and discrimination faced by persons

  6. persons with disabilities must be involved in the development and design of laws, policies, programs, services and structures

  7. the development and revision of accessibility standards and the making of regulations must be done with the objective of achieving the highest level of accessibility for persons with disabilities

Inquiries and feedback

For inquiries or to provide feedback about our plan or accessibility at Cameron Air, please contact us in one of the following ways:

Contact: Operations
By mail: Cameron Air Service Ltd.
Suite #100, Hangar 6
1 Island Airport, Toronto,
ON, M5V 1A1


Telephone: 416-233-7663

Cameron Air will acknowledge receipt of feedback – with the exception of feedback received anonymously – in the same manner in which it was received.

Alternate Formats

Alternate formats of the Accessibility Plan, which includes the description of the feedback process, are available as follows:

  • Audio

  • Large print

  • Print

  • Braille

  • Electronic (an electronic format that is intended to assist persons with disabilities)

*Print, large print, and electronic formats of this Plan will be provided withing 15 days of a request. Braille or audio formats of this Plan will be provided within 45 days of a request. *

Focus Area 1: Employment

At Cameron Air we encourage candidates to advise us if any support is required at any time throughout the recruitment and selection process (including disability accommodation). A reminder is also provided to candidates selected for an interview.

Focus Area 2: The Built Environment

Cameron Air has a goal to create a workplace free of physical barriers to improve the environment for all employees. Accommodations based on accessibility needs are given as required. For positions that have been deemed suitable for hybrid work, employees can work both remotely and in-office, helping to manage any potential barriers resulting from their physical workspace. Where “invisible” disabilities (e.g. environmental sensitivities, anxiety, neurodiversity) have been voluntarily identified or disclosed, managers have educated themselves to ensure they are aware of, and are accommodating, employee requirements within the physical workspace.

Focus Area 3: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

The main software used at Cameron Air is Microsoft Office 365 which provides best-in-class apps and powerful cloud services with easy accessibility. This includes features for impairments with Vision, Hearing, Neurodiversity, Learning, Mobility and Mental Health. Other applications that Cameron Air uses are primarily web-based and can benefit from the Accessibility Features of various web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. These include live captioning, quick highlighting of focused objects, page navigation with a text cursor instead of a mouse and image descriptions. Cameron Air is committed to increase the accessibility and usability of our website and, in doing so, adhere to many of the available standards and guidelines.

Focus Area 4: Communication, Other Than ICT

Cameron Air strives to make alternative formats for all internal and external communications and marketing collateral, which are available upon request. Cameron Air will provide print, large print, and electronic formats within 15 days of a request. Braille or audio formats will be provided within 45 days of a request.

Focus Area 5: The Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities

Cameron Air is committed to prioritizing accessibility to overcome any barriers, we plan to provide consistent guidance on accessibility considerations, encourage research and analysis, and ensure contractors prioritize accessibility in their proposals. Cameron Air will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our accessibility initiatives and make necessary adjustments, to enhance accessibility.

Focus Area 6: The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

Cameron Air provides “Disability Awareness Training” to all employees who work directly with our clients as part of the orientation process, to ensure our employees can effectively support our clients with accessibility needs.

Focus Area 7: Transportation

Cameron Air is committed to providing accessible assistance as needed. We have agreements with Porter FBO for a courtesy shuttle, local transportation companies service Billy Bishop Airport with accessible drop off close to the main terminal doors. Please contact our office (416-233-7663) and get in touch with a team member so that we can plan and provide assistance for those who are travelling with reduced mobility and other needs.

Focus Area 8: Accessibility-Related Regulations – Canada Transportation Act (CTA)

Cameron Air is subject to and compliant with the following CTA accessibility-related regulations:

·         Personnel Training for the Assistance of Persons with Disabilities Regulations

·         Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations

Focus Area 9: Consultations

Cameron Air will conduct consultations with persons with disabilities throughout the reporting period to assess and provide input on this Accessibility Plan. We will engage with external organizations to gather feedback and enhance our accessibility initiatives. Additionally, we will ask our employees to share their own accessibility experiences at Cameron Air and identify any barriers they’ve noticed for our employees and Owners.


At Cameron Air, we are dedicated to eliminating barriers and enhancing accessibility for travellers and employees. We are focused on achieving the objectives outlined in our Accessibility Plan, collaborating with all stakeholders to create a more inclusive travel experience, and actively listening to our customers and employees. We will release an updated Accessibility Plan every three years.

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